
We believe in providing an extensive and balanced education for learners, helping them to prosper throughout their schooling, work and life. We aim to provide ample prospects to develop creativity, expression and wellbeing for students in myriad ways.

The curriculum is flexible and customized to suit the needs of the students. Subjects are offered in many combinations and modified to suit the framework, culture and social ethos.

Salient Features of the Curriculum

  1. To ensure physical, intellectual and social growth of the learners and make them responsible and enlightened citizens. We believe in encouraging values-based learning activities.
  2. Nurture Life-Skills by prescribing curricular and co-curricular activities to help improve confidence, empathy towards different customs and all round social development.
  3. Introduce technological advancement in pedagogy and assessment to keep pace with the global trends in academics.
  4. Promote inclusive education by providing equal opportunities to all students irrespective of their economic and social status.
  5. To make learning an enjoyable and pleasant experience rather than a tedious job.

Objectives of the Curriculum

  1. To ensure physical, mental and spiritual excellence;
  2. Enhance self-awareness and thus helping individual learners realize their potential and skills.
  3. Inculcate 21st century learning capabilities and life skills.
  4. Imbibe humanitarian values and foster cultural learning and international understanding in an interdependent society.
  5. Strengthen awareness and outlook related to livelihood skills.

Curriculum Areas at Secondary Level:

ICSSE envisions the all-round development of students in consonance with the holistic approach to education and therefore, emphasizes integration of co-curricular domain with curricular domain in an equitable manner.

Secondary Curriculum provides students a broad and balanced understanding of subjects including languages, Mathematics, Science and Social Science to enable students to communicate effectively, analyse information, take informed decisions, construct their worldview in alignment with constitutional values and move ahead in the direction of becoming productive citizens.

Scholastic Areas:

The curriculum envisages individualized learning acumen and seeks to explore the potential of students in acquiring substantial acknowledgement and skills through academic rigors. With greater academic orientation and research skills in core academic areas, students would evolve as judicious young adults with a sense of real self-estimate having true values and principles.

The Scholastic areas are as follows:

  1. Languages include English, French, German, Hindi and many other languages. The curricula in languages focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and, hence, develop effective communicative proficiencies. Learners use language to comprehend, acquire and communicate ideas in an effective manner.
  2. Social Science (Geography, History, Economics and Political Science) intends to make learners understand their cultural, geographical and historical milieus and gain in-depth knowledge, attitude, skills and values necessary to bring about transformation for a better world. Social Science includes the learning of history and culture, geographical environment, global institutions, constitutional values and norms, politics, economy, interpersonal and societal interactions, civic responsibilities and the incorporation of the above-mentioned learning. Learners appreciate and value everyone’s right to feel respected and safe, and, also understand their Fundamental Rights and Duties and behave responsibly in the society.
  3. Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) includes gaining knowledge about Food, Materials, The World of the Living, How things work, Moving things, People and Ideas, Natural Phenomenon and Natural Resources. The focus is on knowledge and skills to develop a scientific attitude and to use and apply such knowledge for improving the quality of life. This learning can be used to analyze, evaluate, synthesize and create. Learners understand and appreciate the physical, biological and technological world and acquire the knowledge and develop attitude, skills and values to make rational decisions in relation to it.
  4. Mathematics includes acquiring the concepts related to number sense, operation sense, computation, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics, the skill to calculate and organize the ability to apply this knowledge and acquired skills in their daily life and the skills to think mathematically. It also includes understanding of the principles of reasoning and problem solving. Children learn to rationalize and reason about pre-defined arrangements, norms and relationships in order to comprehend, decode, validate and develop relevant patterns.
  5. Other Academic Electives includes subjects like computer application, business, accountancy, home science, and related subject helps in gaining understanding about the core disciplines.


Class IX and X is an integrated course. Students need to take only those subjects in class IX which they intend to continue in Class-X. The subjects can be selected as per scheme studies in class IX. They need to continue same subjects in class X also. Subjects can be offered as under:

Subject Name of the Subjects Group
Compulsory Subject 1 Language 1 (Hindi or English) Group 1
Subject 2 Language 2 (Any one from the group of languages other than language chosen at subject 1) Group 1
Subject 3, Subject 4, Subject 5 Mathematics, Science, Social Scienc Group 2
Optional Subject 6 Other Academic Electives subject or Language 3 other than opted above Group 1 & Group 3

Curriculum Areas at Senior Secondary Level:

For the purpose of fostering competences in learners, the curriculum encompasses many major learning areas, which are: Languages, Humanities, Mathematics, Sciences, Business Studies and other subjects.

Scholastic Areas:

The curriculum envisages individualized personal learning acumen and seeks to explore the potential of students in acquiring substantial knowledge and skills through academic rigors. With greater academic orientation and research skills in core academic areas, students would evolve as discerning young adults with a sense of real self-esteem having true values and principles.

The scholastic areas are as follows:

  1. Languages include English, French, German, Hindi and many other languages. The curricula in languages focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and to develop effective communicative proficiency. Learners use language to comprehend, acquire and communicate ideas.
  2. Subjects like Geography, History, Economics, Home Science, Sociology, Fine Arts, Political Science, Fashion Studies, and related subjects promote the learning of history and culture, geographical environment, global institutions, constitutional values and norms, politics, economy, interpersonal and societal interactions, civic responsibilities and the interplay of the above-mentioned learning. Learners appreciate and value every human's right to feel respected and safe, and, in this regard, also understand their Fundamental Rights and Duties and behave responsibly. Learners learn to be tolerant and empathetic towards others through the study of these subjects.
  3. Subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Informatics Practices help in making students perceptive about matter and energy, nature, the environment, technology breakthrough in science. The focus is on knowledge and skills to develop a scientific attitude and to use and apply such knowledge for improving the quality of life. This learning can be used to analyze and evaluate existing scenarios and propose innovative solutions to situations. Learners understand and appreciate the physical, biological and technological world and acquire the knowledge and develop attitude, skills and values to make rational decisions in relation to it.
  4. Mathematics includes acquiring the concepts related to numbers, operations, computation, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics, the skill to calculate and organize and the ability to apply this knowledge and acquired skills in their daily life. It also includes understanding of the principles of reasoning and problem solving. Learners identify, integrate and apply numerical and spatial concepts and techniques. They have clarity of concepts and are able to connect them to the real world. Learners rationalize and reason about pre-defined arrangements, norms and relationships in order to comprehend, decode, validate and develop relevant patterns.
  5. Subjects like Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics and related subjects help in gaining understanding about core business disciplines. They understand the concept like, the exchange of items of value or products between persons or companies and the meaning / relevance/ Significance of any such exchange of money for a product, service, or information.


Class XI and XII is an integrated course. Students need to take only those subjects in class XI which he/she intends to continue in class-XII. Students can offer a minimum of 5 or more subjects in class XI. They need to continue the same subjects in class XII also.

Subject Name of Subject
Compulsory Subject 1 English Elective or English Core or Hindi
  Subject 2 Any one language from language group 1 not opted as Subject 1 OR Any one subject from academic electives group 2
  Subject 3, Subject 4, Subject 5 Any three subject from academic electives group 2
Additional Subject Optional Subject 6 Any one subject or language from any subject group not opted as subjects 1-5